LEAIP Brainstorm app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Andrew Richards
First release : 10 Oct 2015
App size: 19.64 Mb
LEAIP Brainstorm is:
- For people who want to lead and participate in highly effective brainstorming
- Easy to use, fast, fun, and widely accessible
- just apply 3 simple tools in 7 steps
- Universally applicable to any brainstorm activity in any environment
design, social organizations and movements, products, processes,
services, manufacturing, business, administration, health, government,
education, IT, software/app/website design, supply chain, agriculture,
custom product, customer service....
- The I SEE I DO process tool particularly designed for engaging the process
experts - people! - in rapidly achieving significant advances through
team collaboration
- Tried, tested, and proven through decades of delivering highly effective
brainstorming sessions in a wide range of situations
The LEAIP Brainstorm app:
- Details how to set-up and run a brainstorm session
- Is like having all the tools with a coach at your side, providing
key guidance each step of the way through a brainstorm session
- Is intended for brainstorm facilitators but is also excellent for those teaching
and learning LEAIP Brainstorm methodology
- Has a graphic navigational interface. You are always just a screen tap away
from the key information you need at each point in the LEAIP process
- Is portable on your iPad - once its loaded,no WiFi signal is required to
run the app. That means your LEAIP workshop can go to the place
where the brainstorm happens whether thats an event, an office space,
a retreat, a production line, a farm, a forest, a community meeting,
a conference...